iviebaby is hiring
Iviebaby is now hiring for a virtual assistant and a brand manager! Please read the job descriptions below and apply if you feel like you would be a good fit for either position. If neither position...
View Articlea picture an hour
8am9am10am11am12pm1pm2pm3pm4pm5pm6pm7pm8pmA typical day in our weekend. Long baths, music, constant eating, golf and dirty outfits, family, and catching up on business. +{not pictured}: My dad called...
View Articlewhat i wore + what we did in class
magenta lace dress ivory chunky cowlivory bow belt (similar)fleece lined tightstall suede riding boots 1. Today in the 10th grade, we decided to join this movement. Several of you have sent the idea to...
View Articlewhy no internet february?
Am I actually going to do this crazy thing? Yeah.Thursday night, once I go to bed, I promise to go an entire month without once checking my email. No Instagrams of Everett. No pinning when I need to...
View Articlesigning off + links to be rationed carefully
I hope you enjoyed blogging in January as much as I did. I'll be back March 1 with (I'm sure plenty of) opinions on my upcoming internet detox.Until then, here are some links to keep you company in my...
View Articlethe lost month
{a little boy's collection of backyard treasures for his mommy}Grown Ocean by Fleet Foxes on Grooveshark+Here's how you take a month off.You delete the apps from your phone,but your finger forgets and...
View Articleten little ivie things, v. 17
Hello March! Let's catch up. 1. During February, I hired two new ladies to work for Iviebaby. One VA (which I will never type out on my blog again, unless I want five million spams), and one brand...
View Articlefor filling your weekend
{feeding our friends this morning}Everett is napping, Mike is golfing, the sun is shining outside, I finished my work early this morning, and now I have nothing better to do than spend some time...
View Articlewhat i wore + what we did in class
gold maxi skirtheather teesimilar mint necklacesparkle shoes1. Teachers gone crazy. Spring break, is that you?2. Today, instead of teaching for three periods, I helped one students sew a skirt out of a...
View Articlethe reaching
When I was a freshman in college, I took this turn for the worse where I decided that mostly people were just plain bad, and I didn't want kids because they'd get hurt by those bad people. And even...
View Articlehow many dreams are you allowed to have?
Yesterday was a frustration day. Everett cried for me when I left for work, and I had a souring experience once I got there. I just wanted to be home, and it made me angry that I couldn't be.Lately...
View Articlegood and rashy
As you may well already know, I recently hired myself a brand manager for Iviebaby, which is just a fancy way of saying "Mike is tired of listening to my many and convoluted ideas on sewing crap for...
View Articlespring snaps
I have been feeling this song all day: Into The Mystic by Van M on Grooveshark+ one: finally meeting Fran, who is so so sweet and funny and still has the most interesting job in the world, I think+...
View Articlebeach surprises and other stories
I finally told Mike I had a secret for him less than 12 hours before we had to leave for the beach. When he tried to guess "what I'd bought" I told him it was tall and flat. He had no idea, no guesses,...
View Articledo you have to break before you're whole?
It was third period. I let them grade each other's bellringers for once. Someone drew boobies and hearts all over a girl's work. A girl I knew they didn't like that way. It was a cruel joke, and she...
View Articleeverett at twenty-two
Dear twenty-two months Everett, You are cool. The coolest you've ever been.This weekend you were my little sidekick at Park Day, and as soon as my students spotted that you were with me, it was like a...
View Articlea better wife
This is the goal I chose for April: be a better wife. Forecasted chance of success: what have I done? Work has been kicking my butt this month. Kicked it right on over to "crying in front of your...
View Articlesaturday favorites
{Everett, nursing his glow worm a few weeks ago}+I felt like doing a simple kind of post this afternoon, a "take me to my happy place" kind of post. A list of favorite things.Favorite artist:Some Place...
View Articlein flux
Yesterday when I drove away in the morning for work, I saw Everett's little face in an upstairs window crying for me, a sippy cup in each hand so much like a toddler and just terribly upset, and a...
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